All Pesawise Payment Endpoints
Pesawise Payments API
📄️ Introduction
📄️ All Pesawise Payment Endpoints
All Pesawise Payment Endpoints
📄️ Get All Supported Banks
Get all banks supported by Pesawise to make payments to
📄️ Bank Recipient Validation
Check bank account is valid
📄️ Bulk Payment
Bulk Payment Transfer
📄️ Complete Payment
Complete a payment sent to your token webhook
📄️ Single Payment Request (No callback token)
Create a direct payment request (No callback)
📄️ Create Wallet
Create Balance / Wallet in the Pesawise system
📄️ Create Payment Order
Create order
📄️ Get One Wallet by Id
Wallet retrieval by id
📄️ Get All Wallets
Get all balances for a particular merchant
📄️ Bulk Payment status
Get the status of a Bulk payment with Batch ID
📄️ Fetch Fee for Payment
Get Fees charged for a payment
📄️ Payment status
Get the status of a payment
📄️ Fetch Transaction Per Wallet
Wallet Transactions
📄️ Create M-PESA Payment
Initiate M-PESA payment for a balance
📄️ Create Pesalink Payment
Initiate Pesalink payment for a balance
📄️ Resend Payment OTP
Resend an OTP to your webhook
📄️ M-PESA STK Push
Collect funds from a phone number
📄️ Webhook for complete payment
Webhook payload description for sample complete
📄️ Webhook for STK push
Webhook payload description for sample STK push